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Sex and diet have a lot to do with each other (even if you don’t believe it). There are foods that can help with longer erections, more orgasms, combating erectile dysfunction, boosting libido, and other things. In short, there is increasing evidence that a healthy diet can improve your sex life, and if that includes an extra bonus like helping you last longer in bed, even better! But what foods increase sexual stamina? How can you improve sexual performance?

First, keep in mind that focusing too much on sexual performance can make us anxious, and we know that anxiety is the enemy of sexual relationships. So, relax and try to keep stress and anxiety under control whenever possible.

The next step is to make some changes to your diet to make sex more pleasurable and satisfying. Don’t know what to eat? The specialized website Eat This, Not That has chosen the 20 best foods to increase sexual stamina and desire.

“For your sexual drive, vitamins and nutrients related to better mental health, excitement, and blood flow will help,” say the experts. So, take note.

Foods that enhance sexuality

Watermelon: Science has proven it. Some even say it is a fruit that serves as Viagra. Watermelon is a natural source of L-citrulline, a non-essential amino acid that your body converts to L-arginine, and it is L-arginine that can help make your erection harder.

Ginger: One of the favorites for overall health. But how can it improve your sex life? It turns out that this food improves blood flow and the health of arteries, something that is key for erections and orgasms.

Apples: Not only does it help reduce blood sugar. This fruit has high levels of quercetin, an antioxidant flavonoid that has been found to play a role in improving sexual endurance.

Chili peppers: Spicy, yes! Chili peppers have capsaicin, a compound that releases chemicals that increase heart rate, increases arousal, and releases endorphins to feel good.

Salmon: If you are a lover of seafood, you are in luck. This fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help with the production of nitric oxide, which contributes to a stronger erection.

Bananas: In addition to helping you sleep well and gain muscle mass, bananas are also full of potassium, a mineral that acts as a muscle relaxant and reduces blood pressure, improving sexual performance.

Oats: As if the benefits of this food were not enough, oats are also a rich source of amino acids, which are commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Garlic: A food that we all have at home and that helps stop the formation of new fat deposits in the arteries, including those in the penis.

Nuts: They are among the most nutritious foods to include in your diet. They contain the amino acid L-arginine, which is one of the basic components of nitric oxide, a natural gas that helps maintain erections.

Quinoa: This food has numerous benefits, and one of the most notable is that it is rich in fiber. And fiber provides your body with longer-lasting energy, even during sex.

Tuna: Especially if it is canned tuna. This food provides vitamin B12, a micronutrient related to optimal mental function and high energy, which can help increase sexual desire.

Pomegranate: It is no secret that pomegranate juice improves sex life. How? This drink is rich in antioxidants that promote blood flow, to combat erectile dysfunction.

Beets: Another food that will help improve your sex life. How? The nitrates found in beets increase blood flow, also to the genitals.

Spinach: Popeye the Sailor’s favorite food has a high content of arginine. When this amino acid reaches your system, it converts to nitric oxide, which helps initiate and maintain erections.

Avocado: One of the favorite breakfast foods, avocados are rich in vitamin B, which relieves stress. Additionally, they are a source of monounsaturated fats, which improve blood flow to the penis.

Asparagus: Not everyone knows about this food, but it helps maintain good brain health. It is known that better cognitive function can help you feel more alert and ready when you have sex.

Chia seeds: They are more than just a trendy food. Thanks to their fiber content, chia seeds provide stable energy to do what you need in bed.

Pumpkin seeds: They are excellent for the prostate, and they are a food rich in zinc and magnesium, two minerals that help increase testosterone levels.

Dark chocolate: An aphrodisiac food par excellence. There are studies that suggest that cocoa increases serotonin hormone levels that stimulate mood.

Beef: Finally, beef will also help, since it is rich in vitamin B